
Olho de Peixe, AISCA, Viana do Castelo, PT

Vasco Costa & Wolfgang Obermair
Opening: 23rd of August 2013, 7 pm
AISCA, Edifício de Apoio à Doca Seca Eng.º Duarte Pacheco

Viana do Castelo

Vasco Costa and Wolfgang Obermair are presenting the results of their three weeks stay at the AIR programm of the art association AISCA in Viana do Castelo.

Their activities create a draft for the discussion on visual culture and document their ambivalent relationship to the outer worlds visibility through sensitized material and techniques, that appear to be archaic.
The cooperation of the artists is inspired by specific local conditions, such as the history and architecture of the former shipyard building, the hub of the tides, the fishing industry and the local rites of the people of Viana do Castelo.

A AISCA (Associação de Intervenção Social, Cultural e Artística) vem por este meio convidar para a inauguração da primeira exposição a acontecer no novo espaço dedicado às artes plásticas, edifício onde a associação está localizada.

Vasco costa e Wolfgang Obermair apresentam “olho de peixe”, o resultado da residência artística na AISCA (Viana do Castelo). Através das suas práticas, geram um ensaio para a discussão da cultura visual, no qual os artistas documentam a sua relação ambivalente com o mundo exterior, através de técnicas aparentemente arcaicas. O trabalho de cooperação destes artistas foi inspirada pelas condições locais, como a história e a arquitetura envolvente, a doca seca, a indústria pesqueira e os ritos locais do povo de Viana do Castelo.

A inauguração acontece esta sexta-feira, dia 23, pelas 19 horas no novo espaço da AISCA, dedicado às artes plásticas, no Edifício de Apoio à Doca Seca Eng.º Duarte Pacheco.




The construction of the temple Santuário de Santa Luzia, which began in 1904, was only finished in the early 40s. Since that time a photographer is taking pictures of the tourists and visitors in front of the church. Almost everybody in Viana do Castelo has photo taken by him at their home. In times where everybody takes pictures all the time with ease, his analog working process and his attitude towards the motive is emanating a certain kind of fascination. His carefully arranged visual work becomes almost as strong as the architecture itself. Costa and Obermair intervened this given situation in two ways: On the one hand they brought their own anachronistic, object-like camera with them to record in a long exposure process the setting from behind. On the other hand they placed a oval life size mirror in between, to ask the photographer to take a portrait of himself. “Santa Luzia” is part of a series of collaborative works, that are questioning photography on a basic level, as a tool to give insight to the world around us. While theire stay in the AIR programm of AISCA – an art association in Viana do Castello Costa and Obermair worked with cameras as objects of art in a sculptural manner. How are eyes and hands linked, how is perception transferd to action?


Wolfgang Obermair Dresdner Strasse 46/10 1200 Vienna / Austria