*1980 born in Moscow, Russia
1998 immigrated to Germany
since 2004 has lived and worked in Vienna

2016–2022 Dr. phil. [equivalent to PhD] Summa Cum Laude, Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies (IKW), Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, supervisor Sabeth Buchmann
Doctoral thesis: Geschichte performen. Öffentliches Gedenken an den Zweiten Weltkrieg im postsowjetischen Raum am Beispiel der Stadt Lwiw, Ukraine (Performing History. Public Commemorations on the Second World War Through the Example of the City of Lviv, Ukraine)
2006–2009 Mag. [equivalent to MFA], Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria, performative art and sculpture class of Prof. Monica Bonvicini, diploma by Prof. Manfred Pernice, passed with distinction
2004–2006 University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria, sculpture and multimedia class of Prof. Erwin Wurm
2004 Berlin University of the Arts (UDK), Germany, class of Prof. Katharina Sieverding
1999–2004 Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg, Germany, painting and object art class of Prof. Rolf-Gunter Dienst, honour as “Meisterschülerin”
2003 International Summer Academy Salzburg, Austria, video art class by Ellen Cantor
2001 International Summer Academy Salzburg, Austria, installation class by Ilya [&] Emilia Kabakov and Boris Groys

Grants and Awards
2022 Prize for Scientific Work [doctoral thesis], Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
DOC Fellowship by the Austrian Academy of Sciences
2018 Staatsstipendium BKA (annual grant from the Federal Chancellery of Austria)

2017 Grand Prize of the City of Innsbruck, 35th Austrian Graphic Arts Competition, TAXISPALAIS – Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck
2017 Theodor Körner Prize, category Fine Arts and Photography
2015 Chimera Art Award (First Prize), Budapest
2014 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, New York
2013 Scholarship of the Anni and Heinrich Sussmann Foundation, Vienna
2010 Start-Award of the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture
2009 Appreciation prize of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research, Austria
2009 Appreciation prize of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria

2024 footnote—centre for image and text, Belgrade
Residency in Istanbul, supported by the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture Austria

2012 Residency in Budapest, supported by the city of Vienna and the city of Budapest
2011–2012 Gyeonggi Creation Center, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
2007 Interfest. Contemporary Art Festival, Chernyakhovsk (former Insterburg), Russia
2004 PVA—Media Lab, Plymouth, UK

Selected solo and duo exhibitions
Made in China, with Wolfgang Obermair, Galerija Gallery, Ljubljana
, with Francis Ruyter, Ve.Sch, Vienna


The Voids that Images Leave Behind, with Martin Bilinovac, MAERZ Galerie, Linz
Otherwordly, with Nika Kupyrova, Ravnikar Gallery Space, Ljubljana
BARMINI, with Wolfgang Obermair, KLUCKYLAND, Vienna
Reciprocal Relationship, Kunstraum SUPER, Vienna
in situ, with Martina Steckholzer, Galerie Gefängnis Le Carceri, Caldaro, Italy
Anschluss, with Hannes Zebedin, Ve.Sch at Georg Kargl Permanent, Vienna
Anschluss, with Hannes Zebedin, Ve.Sch, Vienna
Double Bind, Ani Molnár Gallery, Budapest
Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair and Anu Vahtru, Chimera Project Gallery, Budapest (C)
Free Collection Vienna #5: them and us, Ve.Sch, Vienna
Talk to the driver, so that he does not fall asleep!, Gallery 5020, Salzburg
us and them, Ve.Sch, Vienna
Salon Systémique, Start Gallery in MUSA – Museum on Demand, Vienna
BEETHOVEN:·KK4+5·GIL. and others, with Wolfgang Obermair, curated by Ludwig Kittinger [&] Fernando Mesquita, Ve.Sch, Vienna
Visual Mini Bar, with Wolfgang Obermair, intervention in the exhibition “Polygrades” by Kathi Hofer, Ve.Sch, Vienna
Mental Rotations, with Wolfgang Obermair, SWINGR, Vienna

Selected group exhibitions
Tombola VII, ES49, curated by Terese Kasalicky and Heti Prack, Vienna
paper unlimited. Erich Grabner Award for Graphic Works, museumkrems, Krems
, Zetuxgallery, curated by Christian Stock, Tux
By the Means at Hand, contribution to the project by Vlatka Horvat, Croatian Pavilion - La Biennale di Venezia, Venice

On the New, Belvedere 21, Vienna
, curated by Bianca Pedrina, Kunstraum SUPER, Vienna
Uncanny Valley, curated by hoast, Studio PRÁM, Prague, Czech Republic,
Dispatches from a Troubled City. The City as Novel, curated by Nika Kupyrova, MUSA Startgalerie, Vienna  
Black is the Lonliest Color (Grafisches Kabinett), curated by Barbara Horvath, Kunstverein Eisenstadt, Eisenstadt
Talking Studios, Engländerbau, Vaduz, Liechtenstein

Hängung #02 – Im Dialog mit den druckgrafischen Editionen der IG Bildende Kunst, curated by Carla Bobadilla & Eva Dertschei, IG bildende Kunst, Vienna
Exit Wien – Über die Inszenierung der Macht, curated by Erno Vroonen, BELLEPARAIS _raumfuerkunst, Munich
Retrospective Austrian Graphic Art Competition___20 Years at the TAXISPALAIS, curated by Linnea Streit, TAXISPALAIS Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck, Austria
Algoritmo Cósmico, curated by Icaro Ferraz Vidal Junior, Viewing Room Zipper Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil
Multiple Singularities, xE – Ausstellungsraum der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna 

Unternehmerinnen I, BELLEPARAIS _raumfuerkunst, Munich
Paarung ist harter Wettbewerb. Female Paperpositions, GALLERY HAAS [&] GSCHWANDTNER, Salzburg
With View to the Sea, curated by Wolfgang Obermair and Anastasiya Yarovenko, Odesa Museum of Western and Eastern Art, Odesa, Ukraine
Poison Ivy, curated by Ivica Capan, Franz-Josefs-Kai 3, Vienna
ALLES II, curated by Uwe Jonas, Studio im Hochhaus, Berlin
Eine Ausstellung über mögliche Ausstellungen, Kunstraum Super, Vienna
NOTHING LESS! 100 Years of Women's Suffrage, VBKÖ – The Austrian Association of Women Artists, Vienna
Re-Appropriating History, FLUC, Vienna
Comrade. Jew. We only wanted Paradise on Earth, Jewish Museum Vienna, Vienna
Birobidzhan: an artistic study of the Russian Federation’s Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Birobidzhan Regional Philharmonic, Birobidzhan
35th Austrian Graphic Art Competition, TAXISPALAIS – Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck (C)
Silly Symphony, hoast, Vienna
The Five Moons : Return of the Nameless and Unknown, PyeongChang Biennale, Pyeongchang, South Korea (C)
Nocturno, curated by Ivica Capan, Schneiderei, Vienna
Memory Storage, GCC Creation Center, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
Nylon Discotheque, Budapest Project Gallery, curated by Gábor Rieder in the frame of Gallery Weekend Budapest ed.3., Budapest
J'arrive, curated by Abdul Sharif Baruwa, SUPER, Vienna 
Between the Volga and the Danube, Radishchev Art Museum, Saratov, Russia 
4th International André Evard Award, kunsthalle messmer, Riegel am Kaiserstuhl, Germany
Mission W – Sculpture in Wienerwald, curated by Eva Engelbert and Katrin Hornek, Vienna
Beyond the Obvious – Contemporary Women Artists from CEE, curated by Sárvári Zita, Deák Erika Galéria, Budapest
Silk Road Love, curated by Ivica Capan, Kunstsalon Seidenstrasse, Vienna
Canvas, GPLcontemporary, curated by Christian Stock, Vienna
Tales of 2 Cities, curated by Simon Mraz, Astird Peterle and Natalia Petrova, Museum Judenplatz, Vienna (C)
FLUXUS – An Exhibition as Performance, curated by Lukas Pusch, Vienna Contemporary
Tales of Two Cities, curated by Simon Mraz, Astird Peterle and Natalia Petrova, Moscow Museum of Modern Art on Gogolevsky boulevard, Moscow (C)
Urban View, curated by Bärbel Hartje, periscope, Salzburg
[silence] – A Holocaust Exhibition, curated by Katalin Timár, Ludwig Múzeum, Budapest (C)
GOD IS NOT ENOUGH, curated by Catherine Heistinger, Theater Drachengasse, Vienna
SAY IT. RU> vol.1, curated by Anna Khodorkovskaya and Anastasiya Yarovenko, Hans Knoll Project Space, Vienna
Anton Faistauer Preis 2014, Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg (C)
Free Collection Vienna, Ve.Sch, Vienna
DIS-PLAY-PRATER-STERN – How we like to live, curated by Ursula-Maria Probst, Fluc, public space on Praterstern, Vienna
last time bevor Sommer break…, curated by Martin Vesely, Ve.Sch, Vienna
The Eschaton Reviewed: Tomorrow is Another Day, curated by Markus Proschek, BLACKBRIDGE OFFSPACE, Beijing
An enlarged social horizon will bring advantages, Schneiderei, Vienna
Critical Alliances, curated by Wolfgang Obermair, Markus Proschek and Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU), Zagreb
Predicting Memories, curated by Ursula-Maria Probst and Robert Punkenhofer in the frame of Vienna Art Week, Former K. K. Telegraph office, Vienna
Sculpture Garden Strombad Kritzendorf, curated by Veronika Hauer and Magda Tothova, Kritzendorf, Austria
Black Beauty, curated by Gerhard Himmer, Apartment Draschan, Vienna 
The Art on your Wall, artclub1563, Seoul, South Korea
re٠turn, curated by Sebastian Hein, Andreas Oehlert und Ladislav Zajac, Halle 20 Auf AEG, Nuremberg
Burning with Passion, Gyeonggi Creation Center, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
32. Austrian Graphic Arts Competition, Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck (C)
Dienstag Abend edition release, Ve.Sch, Vienna 
Future Garden, kunstbunker – forum für zeitgenössische kunst, Nuremberg
NeoSI: neue Situationistische Inter…nationale, curated by Amer Abbas, Kunstverein Schattendorf, Schattendorf / Austria
Antidepressiva, curated by Christian Stock, gallery Peithner-Lichtenfels, Vienna
in effigie, with Oliver Laric, Anja Manfredi and Markus Proschek, Seidlgasse 14, Vienna
Die Fotografie in Referenz…, curated by Martin Vesely, Fotohof, Salzburg
The Days of This Society Are Numbered, a contribution to Hugo Canoilas project Mural Newspaper, Abrons Arts Center NY, NYC
Appartment Exhibition. Vienna Entourage, ArtRaum, Moscow 
where do we go from here?, curated by Elisabeth Bettina Spörr, Secession, Vienna (C) 
Aquarellhappening 2000–2009, Tyrolean State Museum, Innsbruck 
The Merger – by following this 1 easy rule…, curated by Markus Hahn and Anna Zwingl, Venue Display, Chicago
Double Volley, Gallery Area 53, Vienna
Kardiologische Vergehen, with Wolfgang Obermair, performance, street theater festival “Herzstück”, Insbruck 
Volokolamsk Highway X, as a member of a group KJDT, performance, Fabrika Project, Moscow
Exhibition 6, Bäckerstraße4 – platform for young art, Vienna 
Villa Sovietica, curated by Alexandra Schüßler, MEG – Musée d‘ethnographie de Genève, Geneva 
10. Aquarellhappening, Tux, Tyrolea 
Soviet objects. Corpus Delicti, diploma exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 
Never Odd or Evil, with Wolfgang Obermair and Markus Sulzbacher, Fenster C, Vienna (C) 
Paperworks, Gallery Area 53, Vienna 
Neo-SI?, curated by Amer Abbas, Gallery Tristesse deluxe, Berlin 
Oh, du lieber Augustin…, Georgien and Russian artists, Radovan-Halle, Vienna 
boss-eyed god, with Tamas St.Auby, N[&]n gallery, Budapest 
Archive in Residence, Gallery UNA, Bucharest (C) 
Archive in Residence, VBKÖ – The Austrian Association of Women Artists, Vienna 
4:33 GG’, with Tamas Wolfgang Obermair and St.Auby, performance, symposium dedicated to the exhibition “Fluxus East”, LUMU Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art Budapest, Budapest
If Chemicals Enter The Eyes, Wash Thoroughly With Clear Running Water, 5th Novosibirsk Graphic Art Biennal, Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk (C) 
Interfest, Contemporary Art Festival, Chernyakhovsk (former Insterburg) / Russia
Minenfeld der russischen Avantgarde, performative lecture, Café Anzengruber, Vienna 
4:33 Generation Generali, with Wolfgang Obermair and Tamas St.Auby, action in the exhibition “…Concept Has Never Meant Hourse”, Generali Foundation, Vienna

Art Fairs
Parallel Vienna, Vienna, represented by Motherboard, Vienna

Parallel Vienna, Vienna, represented by Kunstraum am Schauplatz, Vienna
Hybrid Art Fair, Madrid, represented by hoast, Vienna
Art Moscow, Moscow, represented by Iragui Inventory, Moscow
viennacontemporary, Vienna, represented by Ani Molnár Gallery, Budapest
Artissima, Turin, represented by Ani Molnár Gallery, Budapest
viennacontemporary, Vienna, represented by Ani Molnár Gallery, Budapest
Parallel Vienna, Vienna, represented by Friedl Kubelka Fotoschule, Vienna
Parallel Vienna, Vienna, represented by Electronic Relationships, Vienna

Blickle Kino im Belvedere 21, Vienna
Das Kino, Salzburg
Territory of Terror – Memorial Museum of Totalitarian Regimes, within the framework of the festival “Night of Museums”, Lviv, Ukraine
Diagonale – Festival of Austrian Film, Graz, Austria (C)
Noch, Odesa, Ukraine 
ARTDOCFEST-2018: International Documentary Film Festival, Moscow (C)
22nd Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival, Jihlava, Czech Republic (C)
9th Annual Conference in Political Economy, Theme: The State of Capitalism and the State of Political Economy, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia
Territory of Terror – Memorial Museum of Totalitarian Regimes, Lviv, Ukraine

Curatorial Projects 
Since 2017 has been co-managing the artist-run space hoast in Vienna with Wolfgang Obermair
Soviet Modernism 1955–1991. Unknown Stories, in collaboration with Katharina Ritter and Alexandra Wachter, Architekturzentrum Wien, Vienna

Other curatorial projects in collaboration with Wolfgang Obermair
Initiation and organisation of the exchange project between alternative exhibition spaces in Moscow and in Vienna, curation of the exhibition with Russian artist “Interpolare”, Ve.Sch, Vienna
Exhibition series …gelegentlich DJ (…occasionally DJ) with Patrick Anthofer, Kathi Hoffer, Michel Kral und Anna Ceeh/Franz Pomassl, kunstbunker – forum für zeitgenössische kunst, Nuremberg
If Chemicals Enter Your Eyes, Wash Thoroughly With Clear Running Water, the Austrian part of the 5th Graphic Art Biennale Novosibirsk, 5th Novosibirsk Graphic Art Biennal, Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk (C)
Menschen im Bunker, exhibition of Sergey Bratkov, kunstbunker – forum für zeitgenössische kunst, Nuremberg

Teaching experiences 
2023 Spring Term
, Visual/Aural Knowledge Production, visiting professor, CEU – Central European University, Vienna
SS 2023 But the Human Soul Knows no Fetters” Artistic strategies of resistance and solidarity in the post-Soviet space, with a particular focus on Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, lecturer, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
WS 2021–WS 2022 University Assistant, Social Design Studio, University of Applied Arts, Vienna
2021 A (Non-)Personal Story, workshop, TransArts, University of Applied Arts, Vienna (November 30—December 3, 2021)
2019 Printed Worlds, teacher, printmaking class, Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts (July 22–August 10, 2019)
2018 At the interface, teacher, printmaking class, Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts (August 6–25, 2018)
2015 Fakt im Bild (Fact within the Picture), workshop, Photoschule Friedl Kubelka (February 12–15, 2015)
2014 In search of the image. Catch and release, co-teacher, multimedia class by Olga Chernysheva and Anna Jermolaewa, Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts (July 21–August 2, 2014)
2013 Form nach Plan (Form According to Plan), workshop, Merz Akademie, Stuttgart (December 9–13, 2013)
2013 Artist's Territory, co-teacher, multimedia class by Olga Chernysheva and Anna Jermolaewa, Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts (August 12–31 2013)
2013 Guided tour through the constructivist architecture of Moscow for the students of the Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, class Thomas Demand (October 15–22, 2013)

Public Lectures and Conferences
2023 The Monument of Glory: The Glory of the Monument, “Communities & Change”, Annual Conference Memory Studies Association, Newcastle University, Newcastle (July 3–7, 2023)
2023 Contested Ground: Public commemorations on the Shoah in L’viv, “Memories of the Shoah: Narrative Forms and Cultural Discourse in East-Central, South-Eastern, and Eastern Europe”, Scientific Conference, University of Padua und Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Padua/Venedig, (May 11–12, 2023)
2022 Lange Schatten: Die Ukraine aus Perspektive multipler Gedenkkulturen, a conversation between Sabeth Buchmann and Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, in the frame of the lecture series “Empowerment. Wissen und Geschlecht in Musik, Theater, Film”, Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies, mdw – University of Music and Performace Arts, Vienna (April 29, 2022)
Commemorating Jewish History in the Western Ukrainian City of Lviv, BASEES Annual Conference 2022, Robinson Colledge, Cambridge (April 6–8, 2022)
2021 Vorgestellt, TransArts, University of Applied Arts, Vienna (November 30, 2021)
Commemorate the Jewish Past in the Western Ukrainian City of Lviv, Memory Studies Association Fifth Annual Conference “Convergences”, Warsaw (online)
(July 5–9, 2021)
Performative Power of Public Commemorations: Jewish and Polish Minorities in Western Ukrainian City of Lviv, MAG Congress 2021: The Congress of the International Association for the Humanities Cultural Transformations, Minsk (online) (June 22–24, 2021) 
2019 Performative Forms of Expression in Memory Culture in Post-Soviet Space: The Ukrainian City of Lviv, 2019 ASEEES Summer Convention, University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (June 14–16)
2017 Soviet Holiday in a Post-Soviet Space, International Conference “1917–2017: 100 Years of Russian Revolution in Art and Aesthetics”, Moderna Museet, Stockholm (October 21, 2017)
 Lwiw. Kriegsmuseum (Lviv. Museum of War), lecture and project presentation, depot – Raum für Kunst und Diskussion, Vienna (March 21, 2017)
Lwiw. Kriegsmuseum (Lviv. Museum of War), lecture and project presentation, f.e.a. – forum experimentelle architektur, hoast, Vienna (March 15, 2017)
2016 Über Malerei (On Painting), lecture, Institute for Fine Arts, abstract painting department, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Vienna (November 16, 2016)
2013 Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, lecture, Artist Lecture Series Vienna, Vienna (December 4, 2013)
Digital archive and architectural heritage. Modernism and its protection in the international context, International Conference “Thousand-year sources of building-culture of Turkmenistan”, Ashgabat, (November 13–14, 2013)
Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, lecture, University of Arts Linz, Linz (April 23, 2013)
2012 Conception and moderating of the 19th Vienna Architecture Congress
Soviet Modernism 1955-1991. Unknown Stories, Katharina Ritter and Alexandra Wachter, Architekturzentrum Wien, Vienna (November 24–25, 2012)
2009 Das große Moskau, das es niemals gab (The Great Moscow that Never Was), lecture, Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg, Nuremberg (June 23, 2009)
Revolutionsmoderne, ruiniert in Moskau (Revolutionary Modernism: Ruined in Moscow), lecture, OSTV/EST nr. 6: Ruinen Trümmer Baulücken II, f.e.a. – forum experimentelle architektur, Nestroyhof hamakom, Vienna (February 20, 2009)

(C) Catalogue

Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair (b. 1980, Moscow/RU) is an artist, curator, and researcher based in Vienna. Between 1999 and 2009, she studied painting and sculpture in Nuremberg, Berlin, and Vienna, and holds a doctorate in philosophy from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her projects engage with questions of memory and representation, the relationship between form and ideology, and seeing as an instrument of knowledge production. She works across a wide range of media, including drawing, installation, video, and text. Beyond her artistic practice, she has been involved in several large-scale research projects, such as Lviv. Museum of War (with Alexandra Wachter, 2015–2017) and the exhibition Soviet Modernism 1955–1991. Unknown Stories at the Architekturzentrum Vienna (2012). She is the author of Geschichte performen (2024) and co-editor of Das große Moskau, das es niemals gab (with Wolfgang Obermair, 2008). Shapiro-Obermair has received numerous awards, including the main prize for the best scientific work [doctoral thesis] by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (2022), the Prize for Graphic Art by the City of Innsbruck (2017), the Theodor Körner Prize (2017), the Chimera Art Award, Budapest (2015), and a Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, New York (2014). She co-directs the artist-run space hoast in Vienna, which she co-founded with Wolfgang Obermair in 2017.