Speed Dating in the Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies (IKW) at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

On Friday, January 17, 6–9 pm, authors and publishers associated with the IKW invite everyone interested to join them in (approx.) 5-minute slots to talk about newly published books or to arrange further discussions. For a list of authors and editors present (in German), please follow the link.

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Schillerplatz 3, M13a, 1010 Vienna



Academy Auction 2025

The annual online auction of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, in cooperation with Dorotheum Vienna, takes place from Tuesday, 7.1. to Friday 17.1.2025. The artistic works can be viewed from Wednesday, 15.1. to Friday, 17.1.2025 at the Prospekthof of the Atelierhaus of the Academy. The proceeds support students of the Academy facing challenging life circumstances through the Mental Health Fund, Support Fund, and 2nd Year Scholarship. Additionally, a part of the proceeds benefits the initiatives tralalobe and solidarity matters, which support refugees in Austria.

Online Auction
Online Auction Tue, Jan 7 2025, 10 am to Fri, Jan 17 2025, 5 pm 
on the Dorotheum Vienna website

Artwork Viewing
Wed, Jan 15 2025, 5–8 pm
Thu, Jan 16 2025, 4–9 pm
Fri, Jan 17 2025, 12–5 pm

Academy of Fine Arts ViennaAtelierhaus, Prospekthof, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna



Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair
Artist talk (in German)

Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair beschäftigt sich in ihrer künstlerischen Praxis mit Fragen zur Erinnerung, Geschichtsschreibung und Ideologie. Sie arbeitet medienübergreifend u.a. mit Zeichnung, Installation, Video und Text. Während sie eher an größeren historischen und politischen Kontexten als an persönlichen Geschichten interessiert ist, sind viele ihrer Projekte insofern biografisch bedingt, da sie vom post-sowjetischen kulturellen Raum inspiriert sind oder davon handeln. Im Vortrag werden anhand ausgewählter Arbeiten ihre Zugänge zur Kunst im Sinne einer dynamischen und forschenden Tätigkeit erläutert.

December 3, 6 pm
Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg, Bingstr. 60, 90480 Nuremberg



Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair: 4' 33" Generation Gap

Provocation during the opening of the exhibition IPUT - International Parallel Union of Telecommunications) by Tamás St. Turba4 (Szentjóby, Szetjóby, Szjauby, Mentjóby, St.Auby, Emmy (Emily) Grant, St. Aubsky, T. Taub, szenytyóbi etc.)

Actionists: Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair & Wolfgang Obermair
Moszkva-München Axis Duo 
Conductor: Tamás St.Turba 

November 7, 7 pm
Trafó gallery, 41 Liliom Street, 1094 Budapest


Geschichte performen

Öffentliches Gedenken an den Zweiten Weltkrieg im Zeichen des russisch-ukrainischen Krieges

Published by transcript: October 2024
Book Launch (in German)

Sabeth Buchmann (Kunsttheoretikerin) im Gespräch mit Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair (Autorin und Künstlerin). Begleitend zur Präsentation findet ein Screening des Films »de facto« statt (2018, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Alexandra Wachter, 32 Minuten).

Seit Beginn des russisch-ukrainischen Krieges im Frühjahr 2014 und seiner Eskalation im Februar 2022 fanden im städtischen Raum Lwiws ritualisierte Gedenkveranstaltungen, spontane Kundgebungen und politische Aktionen statt, die an den Zweiten Weltkrieg erinnerten. Als verdichtete Form der Kommunikation vermitteln diese Ereignisse eine Vorstellung davon, wie die Wahrnehmung des vergangenen Krieges durch den gegenwärtigen beeinflusst wird. Die Weise, in der Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair spezifische Situationen, Stimmungen und Kontexte untersucht, zeigt, wie verschiedene Bevölkerungs- und Interessensgruppen die komplexe ukrainische Geschichte auf orts- und identitätsspezifische, dabei zugleich performative und widersprüchliche Weise verhandeln. Über die Analyse der lokalen Gegebenheiten hinaus zeichnet die Autorin zwei Grundmodelle nach, wie die extremen Gewalterfahrungen des Zweiten Weltkrieges in den jeweiligen politischen Systemen bewältigt wurden und wie diese unterschiedlichen Interpretationsansätze die Gegenwart prägen.

November 4, 6 pm
b_books, Lübbenerstr. 14, 10997 Berlin



Tombola VII

Bianca Pedrina & Martin Chramosta
Saskia teNiklin & Steffi Alte
Leon Höllhumer & Philipp Pess
Daniel Rajcsanyi & Aurelia van Kempen
Cäcilia Brown & Maruša Sagadin
Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair & Wolfgang Obermair
Ines Hochgerner & Nino Svireli
Markus Proschek & Lukas Janitsch
Thea Moeller & Helmut Heiss
Michael Part & Bernhard Weber
Iris Andraschek & Hubert Lobnig
Markus Guschelbauer & Selina de Bauclaire
Parastu Gharabani & Hélène Fauquet
Alexandru Cosarca & Manuel Cyrill
David Mase & Markus Benjamin Riedler
Laia Fabre & Katharina Spielmann
Julia Zastava & Lucas Henao Serna

Tombola is an exhibition format initiated by Terese Kasalicky and Heti Prack. Teams of artists are invited to contribute their themes and media to a lottery pot, from which raffle tickets are drawn. The conditions for the artworks are determined by chance, and the resulting works are exhibited.

Opening: October 3, 7 pm
On view: October 4–24, 2024
Midissage and dialog-tour between the artists and the organizers: October 17, 7 pm
Finissage and Zine Presentation: October 24, 7 pm
ES49Erdbergstraße 49, 1030 Vienna



paper unlimited
Erich Grabner Award for Graphic Works

with Margret Ambichl, Iris Andraschek, Oswald Auer, Alfredo Barsuglia, Gregor Beiwl, Anna Maria Brandstätter, Sevda Chkoutova, Elisabeth Czihak, Kater D., Julia Dorninger, Sophie Dvořák, Günter Egger, David Eisl, Judith P. Fischer, Barbara Fuchs, Amelie Götzl, Sebastian Grande, Julia Haugeneder, Inga Hehn, Nadja Dominique Hlavka, Ines Hochgerner, Michaela Hofmann-Göttlicher, Julia Hohenwarter, Barbara Höller, Michael Höpfner, Lucas Horvath, Peter Huemer, Christoph Hütter, Song Jing Jing, Wiebke Kapitzky, Michaela Kessler, Leonhard Lorenz Knabl, Birgit Knoechl, Alexandra Kontriner, Marianne Lang, Lavinia Lanner, Miriam Laussegger, Georg Lebzelter, Henriette Leinfellner, Ernst Lima, Hubert Lobnig, Constantin Luser, Wolfgang Matuschek, Michail Michailov, Klaus Mosettig, Christian Murzek, Oliver Nutz, Ekaterina Shapiro Obermair, Isabel Peterhans, Roman Pfeffer, Gerda Katharina Prantl, Marco Prenninger, Franz Riedl, Judith Saupper, Patrick Roman Scherer, Stylianos Schicho, Christoph Schirmer, Ramona Schnekenburger, Veronika Sengstbratl, Nina Rike Springer, Veronika Suschnig, Maria Temnitschka, Manuel Tozzi, Martina Tscherni, Desislava Unger, Lydia Waldhör, Andreas Werner, Eva Yurková, Beatrix Zobl, Stefan Zsaitsits

Opening: September 21, 11 am
On view: September 22–November 17, 2024
museumkrems, Körnermarkt 14, 3500 Krems



States of Awakening
MOTHERBOARD Project Statement

curacted by Radical Care (MOTHERBOARD and Nora Mayr)
with Francesca Aldegani, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Stephanie Winter 

Awakening represents the transition from dream to reality, capturing the moment when what was unconsciously suspected or vaguely felt becomes certain, and visions take shape through the power of imagination. “States of Awakening” marks the beginning of RADICAL CARE (Stephanie Winter & Nora Mayr) and MOTHERBOARD’s new research series, WICKED FUTURES, exploring how we can envision alternative worlds in a seemingly bewitched future.

Opening: September 10, 2024
On view: September 21–22
Otto-Wagner-Spital, Pavilion 16, R111
Baumgartnerhöhe 1, 1140 Vienna



Residency in footnote—centre for image and text, Belgrade

footnote—centre for image and text is an independent artist-run studio dedicated to experimentation, research and production in the field of visual arts and publishing. Our focus is on different and informal educational formats and collaborations between individual art workers, artist collectives and cultural institutions. We offer a space and support for development of projects related to photography, moving image, visual essays, books, installation and other mixed-media. The facilitators at Footnote Centre have a combined experience in teaching at international art institutions and are committed to pursuing new models for creative studies based on critical insights, in-depth research and a genuine curiosity about the working of ideas, words and images.

Period of stay: June 22–July 12, 2024
Kralja Milutina 34, 11000 Belgrade




with Susanne Bollenhagen, Ben Cottrell, Herbert De Colle, J. R. Ewen, Hermann Glettler, Christoph Grubauer, Olivia Gürtler, Gerhard Himmer, Heli Hinkel, Barbara Höller, Gerhard Kainzner, Reinhold Kirchmayr, Franco Kappl, Vanja Krajnc, Anna Jermolaewa,  Ma Jia, Ulrike Johannsen, Uwe Jonas, Eilidh MacNair, Berit Myreboee, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Mari Otberg, Elisabeth von Samsonow, Margret Schiestl, Gabriele Schöne, Norbert Schwontkowski, Christian Stock, Hans Stock, Esther Stocker, Leonhard Tipotsch, Peter Warum, Dieter Wittmann, Erwin Wurm, Xaver
Curated by Christian Stock
Opening: June 6, 7 pm
On view: June 7–November 11, 2024
Zetuxgallery, In Tux-Vorderlanersbach 261, Tux



Contribution to the project by Vlatka Horvat
By the Means at Hand

Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair's work, Return all their books, is included in By the Means of Hand, Vlatka Horvat's project for the Croatian Pavilion at the 60th Venice Biennale.

Engaging with the theme of Adriano Pedrosa’s main exhibition for La Biennale di Venezia, “Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere,” Vlatka Horvat’s project for the Croatian Pavilion, curated by Antonia Majaca, is an accumulative exhibition of artworks by a wide-ranging group of international artists living “as foreigners,” reflecting on questions and urgencies of the diasporic experience.
This exhibition is generated through a social and performative exchange taking place over the course of the Biennale Arte 2024. Horvat invited artists living in diaspora all over the world to engage in a series of reciprocal exchanges of artworks and other materials, all of which will be sent between Venice and other places by improvised means – via various friends, travelers, and strangers who will be enlisted as informal couriers for the project.

Opening: April 19, 3 pm
On view: April 20–November 24, 2024
Croatian PavilionVenice Biennale 2024
Fabrica 33, Calle Larga dei Boteri & Calle Ruzzini



Academy Auction 2024

The annual online auction of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, in cooperation with Dorotheum Vienna, takes place for the tenth time in 2024. The proceeds support students of the Academy facing challenging life circumstances through the Mental Health Fund, Support Fund, and 2nd Year Scholarship. Additionally, a part of the proceeds benefits the initiatives tralalobe and solidarity matters, which support refugees in Austria.

Online Auction on the Dorotheum Vienna website
Tue, Jan 9 2024, 10 pm to Fri, Jan 19 2024, 5 pm

Artwork Viewing
Wed, Jan 17 2024, 17–20 pm
Thu, Jan 18 2024, 16–21 pm
Fri, Jan 19 2024, 12–17 pm

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Atelierhaus, Prospekthof, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna



On the New 

with Catrin Bolt, Ivica Capan, Robert Freund, Leopold Kessler, Wolfgang Obermair, Lesia Pcholka, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair
Curated by hoast

For the exhibition On the New, the curatorial team of the Belvedere 21 invited around forty-five artists and twenty-four exhibition spaces, including hoast. In their contribution to the exhibition, hoast questions the dynamics of the new and explores how works of art change their meaning over time and through different contexts. The selection of invited artists reflects hoast’s program on a small scale. They are connected less by a common theme than by a shared sense of apocalyptic foreboding. The works reflect our crisis-ridden times while emphasizing the urgency of political and social issues.

Opening: December 7, 2023, 7–9 pm
On view: December 8, 2023–January 14, 2024
Belvedere 21, Arsenalstraße 1, 1030 Vienna



Made in China

The exhibition marks the 10th anniversary of MADE IN CHINA. Throughout November and December, it will undergo several transformations, culminating in a retrospective of the project. The opening features an international guest appearance by the artist duo Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair and Wolfgang Obermair, who will present their multiples M#43 and M#44.

Opening: November 3, 2023, 7–10 pm
On view: November 4,–December 23, 2023
Galerija Gallery, Trg francoske revolucije 3, 1031 Ljubljana



The Demoniacs 

(UHD, 5.1 surround, 2023)
The Order of the Angels, residing in an ominous countryside cloister, are charged with a dark and secret duty. Sister Jodie (Nora Jacobs) arrives to find the order in the midst of turmoil: the nuns are hearing strange sounds in the middle of the night and one of their number has gone missing. As the sisters begin to experience cases of demonic possession, it is up to Jodie and her new friend, Sister Salka (Katharina Maria Trenk), to discover the source of these unnatural occurrences…even if it means staring into the very face of hell.

Scott Clifford Evans (Murderkino 2019–) brings you a film packed with the beautiful and grotesque, mysterious and absurd. The Demoniacs was shot with the collaboration of numerous Vienna-based artists who dedicated considerable time and energy to this low-budget project. Join us Halloween night for the WORLD PREMIERE!

Cast: Thomas Brandstätter, Sarah Eder, Mia Eidlhuber, Wolfgang Gantner, Tina Grassegger, Nora Jacobs, Ali Janka, Anna Jermolaewa, Alexandra Kahl, Kris Lemsalu, Johanna Liska, Felizitas Moroder, Marlene Nowotny, Michele Pagel, Atte Penttinen, Katrin Plavcak, Florian Reither, Gundula Reither, Katarina Maria Trenk, Salvatore Viviano, Elisabeth Weber
Directors of Photography: Dominik Spritzendorfer, Simon Brugner
Set Design: Sarah Eder, Scott Clifford Evans, Alexandra Kahl, Markus Krottendorfer, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair
Lighting Design: Markus Krottendorfer
Sound Tech: Ray Montana
Music: Chris Janka, Jenya Kukoverov, Philipp Quehenberger
Art Directors: Scott Clifford Evans, Markus Krottendorfer, Wardrobe Wiener Times (Johannes Schweiger & Susie Schneider)
Makeup: Kris Lemsalu, Marlene Nowotny, Atte Penttinen
Production Assistants: Sarah Eder, Tina Grassegger, Alexandra Kahl, David Kapl, Johanna Liska
Lighting Techs: Markus Krottendorfer, Julius Zeitlmann
Sound Editor: Chris Janka
Sound Mix: Chris Janka
Sound Design: Chris Janka
Color Grading: Kaur Hendrikson
Special Effects: Kahl David Kapl, Props Sarah, Eder Alexandra
Clappers: Sarah Eder Alexandra, Kahl Catering, Brigitte Huck, Sigi Huck, Elisabeth Weber, Stefan Weber
Screenplay: Scott Clifford Evans
Film Editor: Scott Clifford Evans
Producers: Miryam Charim, Brigitte Huck, Anna Jermolaewa
Director: Scott Clifford Evans

October 31, 2023, 8.30 pm
Breitenseer Lichtspiele, Breitenseer Straße 21, 1140 Vienna



One night: Countermeasures

For one night, the works by two artists, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair and Francis Ruyter, are presented in dialogic relationship.

September 19, 6 pm
Ve.Sch Kunstverein, Gumpendorferstraße 95, 1060 Vienna




with Nicoleta Auersperg, Amelie Bachfischer, Anna Bochkova,  Martin Chramosta, Bartosz Dolhun, Sophie Dvořák, Judith Fegerl, Werner Feiersinger,  Karsten Födinger, Andreas Fogarasi, Franziska Furter, Thomas Geiger, Jennifer Gelardo, Florian Graf, Lucas Herzig, Jeronim Horvat, Cyril Hübscher, Chris Hunter, Monika Janulevičiūtė, Clare Kenny, Alice Könitz, Sonia Leimer, Cornelia Lein, Max Leiss, Sophia Mairer, Luiza Margan, Christian Kosmas Mayer, Laura Mietrup, Rainer Noebauer, Klara Paterok, Bianca Pedrina, Manfred Pernice, Bianca Phos, Johanna Pichlbauer, Heti Prack, PRINZpod, Boris Rebetez, Klemens Schillinger, Stefanie Seibold, Titania Seidl, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Kathrin Sonntag, Rainer Stadlbauer, Esther Stocker, Hiroshi Takizawa, Lukas Thaler, Sofie Thorsen, Johanna Charlotte Trede, Julian Turner, Marianne Vlaschits, Christoph Weber, Katharina Anna Wieser
Display: studio-itzo
Curated by Bianca Pedrina

Opening: May 5, 7–10 pm 
On view: May 6–26, 2023
Kunstraum SUPER, Schönbrunner Straße 10, 1050 Vienna

exhibition feature in Artmirror



Uncanny Valley

with Nika Kupyrova, Wolfgang Obermair, Marie Reichel, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Zsolt Tibor
Curated by hoast

Only a few minutes away from the point where the Vienna Valley reaches its end, lies an independent exhibition space hoast. Its curatorial collective has prepared a group exhibition for Studio Prám in Prague, featuring artistic positions affiliated with hoast over the last six years of its activity. The inspiration for the exhibition Uncanny valley draws from the theory of the same name by Mori Masahiro from the 1970s. The theory suggests when robots or animated characters approach a high degree of resemblance to humans in their looks and actions, they can trigger an eerie and unsettling sensation, for which the German language offers the seemingly confounding term unheimlichkeit. This feeling evoked by non-living entities in the exhibition is the one of discrepancy between reality and its representation. 

Opening: March 21, 6–8 pm 
On view: March 22–April 11, 2023
Studio PRÁM, Čerpadlová 536/4
Prague, Czech Republic

exhibition feature in Artmirror
exhibition feature in Arttalk.cz
exhibition feature in Ofluxo



Academy Auction 2023

The annual online auction of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in cooperation with the Dorotheum Vienna supports students of the students of the Academy who—for example due to their nationality—are exposed to difficult living conditions the associations tralalobe and solidarity matters, which solidarity matters, which cares for refugees in Austria, as well as the Mental Health Fund for students of the Academy. Numerous artists, from exciting newcomers to established greats of the art world, provide high-quality artistic works every year, which will be on view from January 18–20, 2023, in the Prospekthof of the Academy's Atelierhaus.

Online Auction
Thu, 5.1.2023, 10 h until Fri, 20.1.2023, 17 h
on the Dorotheum Vienna website

Artwork Viewing
Wed, Jan 18 2023, 17–20 h
Thu, Jan 19 2023, 16–21 h
Fri, Jan 20 2023, 12–17 h

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Atelierhaus, Prospekthof, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna



Erinnern, Gegenwartsbewältigung.
A conversation on Jewish Contemporaneity

with Max Czollek (Berlin), Udi Edelman (Tel Aviv), Eduard Freudmann (Vienna), Ekatarina Shapiro-Obermair (Vienna), Benjamin Seroussi (Casa do Povo, São Paulo), Rebecca Sternberg (Vienna), Ruth Novaczek (London) and others.
Curated by : Delal Z. Isci (Vienna/ São Paulo/ Berlin)

As a preview for the exhibition Erinnern, Gegenwartsbewältigung at FLUCC, in Winter 2022, a group of visual artists, writers, and historians will meet for a conversation in Vienna´s 2. District and enter into a dialogue with the city, politics of remembrance, and Jewish identity. The subject is Jewish life today in Vienna, Leopoldstadt and the Diaspora.

December 12, 2022, 7–9 pm
FLUC, Praterstern 5, 1020 Vienna



Dispatches from a Troubled City
The City as Novel

with Aaron Amar Bhamra, Daniela Grabosch, Ordained Hardware, Mario Kiesenhofer, Gašper Kunšič, Anna Paul, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair
Curated by Nika Kupyrova

Every city, whether real or fictional, is multilayered and contradictory, a constant struggle for validation and coexistence. The exhibition draws parallels between daily life in contemporary Vienna and British author China Miévelle’s novel Perdido Street Station set in the fictional city of New Crobuzon. Using an experimental curatorial approach, seven artistic positions are paired associatively with passages from the book.

Opening: November 30, 7–9 pm
On view: December 1, 2022–March 26, 2023
MUSA Startgalerie
Felderstraße 6–8, 1010 Vienna

exhibition feature in Les Nouveaux Riches
exhibition feature in Artmirror
exhibition feature in YYYYMMDD



Lange Schatten: Die Ukraine aus Perspektive multipler Gedenkkulturen

A conversation between Sabeth Buchmann and Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, in the frame of the lecture series "Empowerment. Wissen und Geschlecht in Musik, Theater, Film” (in German)

Die Instrumentalisierung von Geschichte für politische Zwecke findet nicht erst im Zuge des russischen Angriffskriegs auf die Ukraine statt. Doch gerade in den russisch-ukrainischen Beziehungen entfaltet die Mystifizierung historischer Ereignisse und deren geschlechterpolitische Dimension besondere Brisanz. Die von Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair in ihrer Dissertation „Geschichte performen“ untersuchten Gedenkpraktiken im westukrainischen Lwiw als einer durch einstige ethnische Vielfalt gekennzeichneten Stadt werden im Gespräch mit Sabeth Buchmann mit Blick auf die Zuspitzung (geo-)politischer Konfliktlagen erörtert: Von besonderem Interesse ist der Fokus auf Versammlungen, die von konkurrierenden Formen des Gedenkens an den Zweiten Weltkrieg gekennzeichnet sind. Die sich hierin manifestierenden Gesten performativer „(Selbst-)Ermächtigung“ werden dabei sowohl im Licht alter und neuer Nationalismen als auch von Geschlechterbildern erörtert, die im gegenwärtigen Kriegsdiskurs Zuspitzung finden.

April 29, 2022, 11.15 am–12.15 pm
Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies
mdw – University of Music and Performace Arts, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna


Black is the Lonliest Color (Grafisches Kabinett)

with Lutz Bacher, Böhler & Orendt, Fria Elfen, Thomas Gänszler, Lena Göbel, Gábor Koós, Marianne Lang, Patrick Roman Scherer, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Michael Strasser, Franz Vana, Andreas Werner
Exhibition design: Martin Bischof
Curated by Barbara Horvath

Schwarz ist „das Dunkelste vom Dunklen“; die ursprünglichste Farbe und die Einsamste. Es gibt kein Schwarz im Regenbogen. Dennoch sind die Nuancen, Facetten und Konnotationen des Farbphänomens Schwarz schier unendlich. Nicht aus Zufall blühte einst die „Schwarze Kunst“. Jüngst erfährt diese in der zeitgenössischen Kunst eine bemerkenswerte Renaissance. 

Existiert Schwarz überhaupt oder ist es bloß eine Konstruktion des Gehirns? Ist es ein „Nichts ohne Möglichkeit“ oder ist im Schwarz potentiell alles verborgen? Die Künstler*innen der Ausstellung erkunden im Schwarz ein komplexes Feld der Differenzen. 

Opening: April 10, 2022, 2022 1–6 pm
Performance: Peter Kozek "Komposition für ein freies Vantablack"
On view: April 11–June 5, 2022
Kunstverein Eisenstadt
Joseph Haydn-Gasse 1, 7000 Eisenstadt


Talking Studios

with Luisa Kasalicky, Suse Krawagna, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Martina Steckholzer, Gerlind Zeilner, Judith Zillich and Christina Zurfluh 

For several years, seven female artists in Vienna have been regularly meeting in their studios to exchange ideas about their new works and projects in progress. These studio conversations have generated insights, knowledge, and new questions. The space, tools, and materials have been integral to the process. But how can this spontaneity be captured in an exhibition? At Kunstraum Engländerbau, the artists present this intimate atmosphere within the public setting of an exhibition space. The exhibited works aim to connect their individual studios, creating a new space for dialogue.

Opening: March 22, 2022
On view: March 22–May 15, 2022
Städtle 37, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein



Academy Online Auction 2022

On Friday, January 21, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna organizes the annual  Academy Charity Auction in cooperation with the Dorotheum. The proceeds benefit students and asylum seekers who are in a precarious position. Further support goes to tralalobe for unaccompanied minor refugees and to Queer Base - Welcome and Support for LGBTIQ Refugees as well as to the Solidarity Matters Association.

Online Auction
Tue, Jan 21 2022, 6 pm
on the Dorotheum Vienna website

Artwork Viewing
Wed, Jan 19 2022, 14–18 pm
Thu, Jan 20 2022, 14–18 pm
Fri, Jan 21 2022, 12–18 pm

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Atelierhaus
Prospekthof, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna


Hängung #02 – Im Dialog mit den druckgrafischen Editionen der IG Bildende Kunst

with current works by Imayna Caceres, Julia Gaisbacher, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Andrea van der Straeten und Beatrix Zobl
curated by Carla Bobadilla & Eva Dertschei

In der Hängung #01, im Juni 2021, wurden 19 ausgewählte Werke aus den Editionen der IG Bildende Kunst, die zwischen 1996 und 2001 erschienen, ausgestellt. Die Ausstellung Hängung #02 reagiert nun auf diese Auswahl. Fünf Mitglieder der IG Bildende Kunst wurden eingeladen auf eines der „historischen“ Werke mit einer eigenen Arbeit zu reagieren. Mit dieser Aktualisierung wollen wir einerseits unsere Mitglieder sichtbar machen und andererseits das Thema Editionen in den Fokus rücken.

Opening: December 16 6.30 pm
On view: December 17, 2021–February 25 2022
IG bildende Kunst, Gumpendorfer Str. 10–12, 1060 Vienna



Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair: VORGESTELLT
Artist Talk

As different as the media in which Shapiro Obermair works are—painting, sculpture, graphics, but also video and photography her projects always take the same topics as a starting point or eventually return to them. Based on biographical experiences, she questions critically appropriation of historical narratives, dealing with post-factual knowledge, and interaction of form and ideology. The examination of modernism and abstraction shapes her visual vocabulary and provides the theoretical basis. In the lecture, she will present selected works and projects.

November 30, 2021, 10.00 am
University of Applied Arts, TransArts department
FLUX 1, 3. OG, Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, 1030 Wien

The lecture takes place in a hybrid format.


Exit Wien – Über die Inszenierung der Macht

with Jochen Höller, Ömer Faruk Kaplan, Peter Moosgaard, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair and Wolfgang Wirth
curated by Erno Vroonen

EXIT WIEN presents works by five artists living in Vienna who deal with the staging of power in different ways. Sometimes power is hidden behind a visual language or even in the way one uses language. In a world that is moving at high speed towards a virtual level, the global players of the internet like Facebook or Twitter are a real power. What information is trustworthy and what is false? Are we being misled under a cloak? Can we still trust politics, the media or social ideals?

Opening: November 25, 3–8 pm
On view: November 26, 2021–January 22, 2022
BELLEPARAIS _raumfuerkunst, Schellingstrasse 54, 80799 Munich


Open Studio Days / Vienna Art Week

On Saturday, 13 NOV and Sunday, 14 NOV over 100 artists will open their studio doors. The Open Studio Days offer a unique opportunity for a look behind the scenes of artistic creation and a concentrated overview of the status quo of art production in Vienna. The participating artists were selected by a jury consisting of Robert Punkenhofer (artistic director VIENNA ART WEEK), Hugo Canoilas (artist), Angela Stief (curatorial advisor VIENNA ART WEEK and director Albertina modern) and Rita Vitorelli (artist and editor Spike Art magazine). 

November 13 and 14, 2021, 1–6 pm
Haidgasse 4, 1020 Vienna


 Retrospective Austrian Graphic Art Competition___20 Years at the TAXISPALAIS

with Kirsten Borchert, Alfons Egger, Judith Fegerl, Thomas Feuerstein, Andreas Fogarasi, Bernhard Fruer, Aldo Giannotti, Christine Gloggengiesser, Martin Gostner, Caroline Heider, Klub Zwei, Moussa Kone, Doris Krüger, Doris Krüger & Walter Pardeller, Sigrid Kurz, Tatiana Lecomte, Ulrike Lienbacher, Klaus Mosettig, Simona Obholzer, Roman Pfeffer, Fiona Rukschcio, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Nicole Six & Paul Petritsch, Andrea van der Straeten, Gabriele Sturm, Paul Thuile, Anita Witek, Stefan Zsaitsits and the awardees of the 37th Austrian Graphic Art Competition: Maria Hahnenkamp, Margarethe Drexel, Karo Kuchar, Brigitte Thonhauser-Merk, Angelika Wischermann, Karin Ferrari, Lois Salcher, Nora Schöpfer, Anna Khodorkovskaya, Zora Fuhrmann, Darja Shatalova, Alexandra Kontriner, Elisabeth Reichegger, Renate Egger, Katharina Hölzl, and Matthias Krinzinger
curated by Linnea Streit

After presenting all the submitted works for the last edition, this year’s exhibition is dedicated to a different type of overview. The winners of the 37th competition will show their works alongside the top prize awardees from the past 20 years—a present retrospective of all the Austrian Graphic Art Competitions shown at the TAXISPALAIS.

Opening: October 21, 7 pm
On view: October 22–Januar 9, 2022
TAXISPALAIS Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck, Austria



Parallel Vienna 2021
Kunstraum am Schauplatz B214 Project Statement

with Olivier Hölzl, Christian Eisenberger, Dejan Ducic, Moussa Kone, Sissa Micheli, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Barbara Hainz, Elsa Okasaki, Niko Milosevic, Begi Guggenheim, Viktoria Morgenstern, Sofia Cruz, Iv Toshain, Stylianos Schicho, Elisabeth Penker
curated by Patrick Schabus

Opening: September 6, 2021
On view: September 7–12, 2021
Former Semmelweisklinik, Hockegasse 37, 1180 Vienna



Algoritmo Cósmico

with Alexandre Vogler, André Azevedo, Cadu, Camile Sproesser, Carla Chaim, Cinthia Mendonça, Daniel Feingold, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Ergin avosoglu, Feco Hamburger, Felipe Cama, Fernando Velázquez, Flora Assumpção, Gustavo Torrezan, Gyula Sagi, Haythem Zakaria, Janina Mello Landini, Juliana Freire e Edson Secco, Katia Maciel, Letícia Ramos, Luiza Crosman, Maria Noujaim, Mayana Redin, Nadam Guerra, Pedro Hurpia, Roberta Dabdab, Rodrigo Braga, Thiago Hersan
curated by Icaro Ferraz Vidal Junior

August 7–September 4, 2021
Online Viewing Room, Zipper Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil



ARCOmadrid 2021
and the editions at ArtsLibris

In this sixth edition of ARCOmadrid 2021, ArtsLibris presents forty-two exhibitors and a cultural programme. Topping the bill is a cycle of talks for the ARCO Professional Forum, coordinated and moderated by Andrea Soto Calderón, doctor in philosophy.

ArtsLibris thus acts as a nexus aiming to stimulate a dialogue around contemporary publishing and artists’ publications, understood in a broad sense and not only in editorial terms. The dialogue will provide a space where participants can exchange ideas regarding the practices common to artists’ publications in the configuration of a sensibility in artistic production and the context in which these are inscribed, and debate the directions they might take in the future.

July 7–11, 2021
International Fair of Artists Books and Contemporary Edition
Avda. del Partenón, 5
28042 Madrid, España



Hybrid Art Fair

represented by hoast
with Gabriele Edlbauer / Julia Goodman, Peter Fritzenwallner / Wolfgang Obermair, Marlene Hausegger, Leopold Kessler, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair

At the Hybrid Art Fair, hoast presents site-specific works by Austria-based artists who engage with the intersection of society and art, and have been part of hoast’s program in recent years. The pieces are characterized by latent humor and a sense of the grotesque.

May 28–30 2021
Hotel Riu Plaza España, Madrid



Art Moscow

represented by Inventory Iragui

April 21–25 2021
Gostiny dvor, ul. Ilinka 4, Moscow, Russia



Academy Auction 2021

The annual online auction of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, in cooperation with Dorotheum Vienna, takes place from Tuesday, 7.1. to Friday 17.1.2025. The artistic works can be viewed from Wednesday, 15.1. to Friday, 17.1.2025 at the Prospekthof of the Atelierhaus of the Academy. The proceeds support students of the Academy facing challenging life circumstances through the Mental Health Fund, Support Fund, and 2nd Year Scholarship. Additionally, a part of the proceeds benefits the initiatives tralalobe and solidarity matters, which support refugees in Austria.

Online Auction  Jan 16 2021 to Jan 29 2021
on the Dorotheum Vienna website

Artwork Viewing
Wed, Jan 26 2021, 11am–6 pm
Thu, Jan 27 2021, 11am–6 pm
Fri, Jan 28 2021, 11am–6 pm

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Atelierhaus, Prospekthof, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna


Screening of video works and conversation with Antonia Rahofer

Sunday, November 8, 2020, 8.10–9.25 pm
Sunday, November 15, 2020, 10:00–11.15 pm
life on www.okto.tv
Display Case / 2014 / HD video / 11 min
With you it will be Alright / 2017 / HD-video / 10:30 min
de fac-to, 2018,  HD-video, 32 min


The Voids that Images Leave Behind

with Martin Bilinovac

Opening: October 6, 2020, 7 pm
Introduction: Dr. Sarah Kolb, art theoretician
On view: October 7–30, 2020
Eisenbahngasse 20, 4020 Linz, Austria



and the editions, booth D2
September 24–27, 2020
Marx Halle, Karl Farkas Gasse 19, 1030 Vienna


Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair
History and Other Objects 

Texts by Anna Matveeva, David Quigley, Katalin Timár and a conversation between Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair and Astrid Peterle
Graphic Design by Atelier Liska Wesle
English, 160 pages, 19 × 27 cm, numerous illustrations in color, softcover
Special edition (20 + 5): cover with handmade silkscreen print

Book launch: September 4, 6 pm
The book will be introduced within a conversation in German between the artist and the art theorist Andreas Spiegl.
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Getreidemarkt 12/3, 1010 Vienna

Feature of the special edition in EIKON Collector's Edition


de fac-to, 2018

First public screening in Vienna within the film program of the exhibition “Multiple Singularities”.  Followed by a discussion with the art historian and art theorist Rose-Anne Gush.
August 27, 2020, 6.30 pm
Blickle Kino, Belvedere 21 Quartier Belvedere, Arsenalstraße 1, 1030 Vienna


Multiple Singularities

with Ting-Jung Cheng, Vasilena Gankovska, Jelena Micić, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Martina Z. Šimkovičová, Anastasiya Yarovenko
curated by Jelena Micić and Anastasiya Yarovenko

Opening: March 12, 2020, 7 pm
On view: March 13–14, June 2–September 6, 2020
xE – Ausstellungsraum der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna, Austria

exhibition review by Margareta Sandhofer in PARNASS KUNSTMAGAZINE 



with Nika Kupyrova

Opening: February 11, 2020, 6 pm
On view: February 12–28, 2020
Ravnikar Gallery Space, Ljubljana, Slovenia

exhibition feature in Easttopics

interview with SODOBNA UMETNOST

exhibition review by Radio Študent



with Wolfgang Obermair

Opening: November 27, 2019, 7 pm
On view: November 28–December 12, 2019
KLUCKYLAND is an artist-run space by Andrea Lüth and Gerald Roßbacher. Vienna, Austria

exhibition feature in Artmirror


Paarung ist harter Wettbewerb. Female Paperpositions

with Assunta Abd El Azim Mohamed, Johanna Eisl, Tina Graf, Birgit Graschopf, Inga Hehn, Nina Prader, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair und Bianca Tschaikner

Opening: October 10, 6 pm
On view: October 11–November 30, 2019


With View to the Sea

with Anatoliy Babiychuk, Catrin Bolt, Anna Jermolaewa, Elena Kristofor, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Alina Sokolova, Anastasiya Yarovenko
curated by Wolfgang Obermair and Anastasiya Yarovenko

Opening: August 16, 4 pm
On view: August 17–15, 2019
Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental Art, Odesa, Ukraine

exhibition feature in Blok Magazine


de fac-to, 2018

July 30, 2019, 7.30 pm
Das Kino, Giselakai 1, 5020 Salzburg


Reciprocal Relationship

Opening: June 12, 2019, 7 pm
On view: June 13–20, 2019
Kunstraum SUPER, Vienna


in situ

with Martina Steckholzer

Opening: April 11, 2019, 6 pm
On view: April 12–May 11, 2019
Galerie Gefängnis Le Carceri, Caldaro, Italy

exhibition feature in Artmirror



with Hannes Zebedin

Opening: March 8, 2019, 6 pm
On view: March 9–April 18, 2019
Ve.Sch at Georg Kargl Permanent, Vienna

exhibition review by Anna Barbieri in gallerytalk